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New IMAGO Partner: Axel Kaste

Axel Kaste is a photographer from Bremen with a special focus on hockey. He covers games from the Bundesliga to the Champions League.

Kaste will be at the European Indoor Hockey Championships in Hamburg this month, photographing the Final Four tournament in Frankfurt in February 2023 and covering the European Hockey Championships in Mönchengladbach next August. Most likely, he will also be at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.

A hockey player, coach and referee himself, he knows the sport inside out. For more than ten years, he has photographed games of the Bundesliga, the Hockey Champions League, the Pro League, the European Championship and the German Championship. In the process, he also provides insights into what happens off the field.

In addition, he also photographs on the topics of travel and politics and provides reportages and portraits.
With his pictures, Axel Kaste expresses his passion for the unconventional, professionalism and image quality and shows the action from all sides.



"Top up-to-date, professional marketing of photos is guaranteed with IMAGO."



Location: Bremen, Germany

Topics Covered: Sport, Politics, Travel, Reportage


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